6-3 Instruction Execution Times
The following table lists the execution times for all instructions that are available
for the C200HX/HG/HE. The maximum and minimum execution times and the
conditions which cause them are given where relevant. When “word” is referred
to in the Conditions column, it implies the content of any word except for indirect-
ly addressed DM words. Indirectly addressed DM words, which create longer
execution times when used, are indicated by “DM.”
Execution times for most instructions depend on whether they are executed with
an ON or an OFF execution condition. Exceptions are the ladder diagram
instructions OUT and OUT NOT, which require the same time regardless of the
execution condition. The OFF execution time for an instruction can also vary de-
pending on the circumstances, i.e., whether it is in an interlocked program sec-
tion and the execution condition for IL is OFF, whether it is between JMP(04) 00
and JME(05) 00 and the execution condition for JMP(04) 00 is OFF, or whether it
is reset by an OFF execution condition. “R,” “IL,” and “JMP” are used to indicate
these three times.
All execution times are given in microseconds unless otherwise noted.
Instruction Conditions
ON execution time (µs) OFF execution time (µs)
C200HX C200HG C200HE C200HX C200HG C200HE
LD For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.104 0.156 0.312 0.104 0.156 0.313
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.104 0.156 0.313
LD NOT For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.104 0.156 0.313 0.104 0.156 0.313
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.104 0.156 0.313
AND For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.104 0.156 0.312 0.104 0.156 0.313
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.104 0.156 0.313
AND NOT For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.104 0.156 0.313 0.104 0.156 0.313
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.104 0.156 0.313
OR For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.104 0.156 0.313 0.104 0.156 0.313
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.104 0.156 0.313
OR NOT For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.104 0.156 0.313 0.104 0.156 0.313
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.104 0.156 0.313
AND LD --- 0.104 0.156 0.313 0.104 0.156 0.313
OR LD --- 0.104 0.156 0.313 0.104 0.156 0.313
OUT For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.208 0.313 0.626
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.313 0.468 0.936 0.208 0.313 0.626
OUT NOT For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.208 0.313 0.626
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.313 0.468 0.936 0.208 0.313 0.626
Constant for SV 0.417 0.625 1.25 0.417 0.625 1.25
DM for SV 22.45 22.45 37.15
For designated words 256 to 511 0.417 0.625 1.25
Constant for SV 0.417 0.625 1.25 0.417 0.625 1.25
DM for SV 0.417 0.625 1.25 22.55 22.55 37.25
For designated words 256 to 511 0.417 0.625 1.25 0.417 0.625 1.25
SET For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.208 0.313 0.626
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.313 0.468 0.936 0.208 0.313 0.626
RSET For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.208 0.313 0.626 0.208 0.313 0.626
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.313 0.468 0.936 0.208 0.313 0.626
NOP(00) --- 0.104 0.156 0.312 0.313 0.469 0.938
END(01) --- 24.75 39.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
IL(02) --- 7.55 22.25 0.313 0.469 0.938
ILC(03) --- 9.25 23.95 0.313 0.469 0.938
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-3