decrementing, 228
definers, definition, 138
delay time, in C500 Remote I/O Systems, 378
differentiated instructions, 140
function codes, 138
digit, monitoring, 390
digit numbers, 26
DIP switch, 20
converting between 4-digit hex and decimal, 399
converting between 8-digit hex and decimal, 400
converting between hex and ASCII, 398
I/O Unit designations, 100
Programming Console, English/Japanese switch, 91
DM area
allocating UM to expansion DM, 410
Using EM for indirect addressing, 316
EM (Extended Data Memory) area, 71
EM area
changing the current bank, 317
clearing selected EM banks, 95
Using EM for indirect addressing, 316
EM bank number, changing the current bank, 317
ER. See flag, Instruction Execution Error
error codes, programming, 300
error history, dedicated bits, 52
error messages, programming, 303, 304
clearing messages, 97
fatal, 447
history area, 58
initialization, 445
Instruction Execution Error Flag, 44
message tables, 445–448
messages when inputting programs, 108
non-fatal, 445
programming indications, 444
programming messages, 303, 304
reading and clearing messages, 444
resetting, 301
SR and AR area flags, 449
execution condition, definition, 76
execution time, instructions, 367–375
expansion DM, allocating UM to, 410
expansion DM area, allocation, 57
Expansion I/O Rack, definition, 15
expansion instructions, 141, 520
changing function code assignments, 409
reading function code assignments, 409
expansion keyboard mapping, 411
FAL area, 42, 300
fatal operating errors, 447
AR and SR area error flags, 449
arithmetic, 44
programming example, 194, 197, 201
CPU Unit-mounting Device Mounted, 55
clearing, 229
setting, 229
Cycle Time Error, 43
definition, 24
First Cycle, 43
FPD Trigger Bit, 55
I/O Verification Error, 43
Instruction Execution Error, 44
Link Units, 55
Low Battery, 42
Optical I/O Error, 51
Step, 44
arithmetic, 139
error and arithmetic, 523
signed binary arithmetic, 523
floating-point decimal, division, 238
forced set/reset, 393
canceling, 395–396
Forced Status Hold Bit, 41
Frame Check Sequence. See frames, FCS
frame checksum, calculating with FCS(––), 308
dividing, precautions, 422
FCS, 423
function codes, 138
changing expansion instruction function codes, 409
reading expansion instruction function codes, 409
Group-2 High-density I/O Units, 4
Group-2 B7A Interface Units, word allocation, 32
Group-2 High-density I/O Units, word allocation, 32
hexadecimal, definition, 26
High-density I/O Units. See Group–2 High–density I/O Units;
host link
See also host link commands
procedures, 422
setting parameters, start and end codes, 426
host link commands
**, 498
EX, 498
FK, 488
IC, 499
KC, 489
KR, 486
KS, 485
MF, 484
MI, 494
MM, 490
MS, 481
QQIR, 496
QQMR, 495
R#, 473