PC Setup To use a 1:1 link, the only settings necessary are the communications mode and
the link words.
Set the communications mode for one of the PCs to one-to-one link master and
the other PC to one-to-one link slave, and then set the link words in the PC desig-
nated as the master. Bits 08 to 11 are valid only for the master for link one-to-one.
Communications mode
2: One-to-one link slave
3: One-to-one link master
15 0
DM 6645:RS-232C port
Link words for one-to-one link
0: LR 00 to LR 63
1: LR 00 to LR 31
2: LR 00 to LR 15
Port settings
00: Standard communication parameters
The word used by each PC will be as shown in the following table, according to
the settings for the master, slave, and link words.
DM 6645 setting LR 00 to LR 63 LR 00 to LR 31 LR 00 to LR 15
Master words LR00 to LR31 LR00 to LR15 LR00 to LR07
Slave words LR32 to LR63 LR16 to LR31 LR08 to LR15
Communications Procedure If the settings for the master and the slave are made correctly, then the one-to-
one link will start up automatically when the PCs are turned on.
Application Example This example shows a program for verifying the conditions for executing a one-
to-one link using the RS-232C ports. Before executing the program, set the fol-
lowing PC Setup parameters.
Master: DM 6645: 3200 (one-to-one link master; link words: LR 00 to LR 15)
Slave: DM 6645: 2000 (one-to-one link slave)
When the following programs are executed in the master and the slave, the sta-
tus of IR 001 of each Unit will be reflected in IR 100 of the other Unit. IR 001 is an
input word and IR 100 is an output word.
In the Master
25313 (Always ON)
In the Slave
25313 (Always ON)
One-to-one PC Links
Section 8-4