R$, 474
R%, 476
RC, 461
RD, 463
RE, 464
RG, 462
RH, 460
RJ, 464
RL, 459
RP, 492
RR, 458
SC, 483
TS, 491
W#, 477
W$, 478
W%, 480
WC, 468
WD, 470
WE, 472
WG, 469
WH, 467
WJ, 471
WL, 466
WP, 493
WR, 465
XZ, 497
Host Link Systems, error bits and flags, 40
Host Link Units, PC cycle time, 365
HR area, 68
I/O bit
definition, 29
limits, 29
I/O numbers, 32
I/O points, refreshing, 306, 307
I/O response time, one-to-one link communications, 383
I/O response times, 376
I/O status, maintaining, 42
I/O table
clearing, 101
reading, 99
registration, 96
verification, 97
Verification Error flag, 43
I/O Units. See Units
I/O word
allocation, 30
definition, 29
limits, 29
incrementing, 228
indirect addressing, 139
Using EM for indirect addressing, 316
input bit
application, 29
definition, 3
input device, definition, 3
input point, definition, 3
input signal, definition, 3
instruction set, 517
7SEG(––), 336
ADB(50), 243
ADBL(––), 249
ADD(30), 229
ADDL(54), 230
AND, 78, 149
combining with OR, 79
AND LD, 81, 150
combining with OR LD, 84
use in logic blocks, 82
AND NOT, 78, 149
ANDW(34), 276
APR(69), 263
ASC(86), 218
ASFT(17), 178
ASL(25), 175
ASR(26), 175
AVG(––), 259
BCD(24), 205
BCDL(59), 206
BCMP(68), 197
BCNT(67), 308
BIN(23), 204
BINL(58), 205
BSET(71), 181
BXF2(––), 191
CLC(41), 229
CMCR(––), 353
CMP(20), 193
CMPL(60), 196
CNT, 166
CNTR(12), 169
COLL(81), 185
COLM(64), 225
COM(29), 275
CPS(––), 202
CPSL(––), 203
DBS(––), 255
DBSL(––), 256
DEC(39), 228
DIFD(14), 121, 151–152
using in interlocks, 156
using in jumps, 158
DIFU(13), 121, 151–152
using in interlocks, 156
using in jumps, 158
DIST(80), 183
DIV(33), 236
DIVL(57), 237
DMPX(77), 212
DSW(––), 339
DVB(53), 248
EMBC(––), 317
END(01), 80, 144, 158
execution times, 367–375
FAL(06), 300
FALS(07), 300
FCS(––), 308
FDIV(79), 238
FPD(––), 310
HEX(––), 219
HKY(––), 343
HMS(66), 208
IEMS(––), 316
IL(02), 117, 155–157