
It cannot be used for other I/O words, such as I/O Units on Slave Racks or
Group-2 High-density I/O Units.
St must be less than or equal to E.
Description To refresh I/O words allocated to CPU or Expansion I/O Racks (IR 000 to IR 029
or IR 300 to IR 309), simply specify the first (St) and last (E) I/O words to be re-
freshed. When the execution condition for IORF(97) is ON, all words between St
and E will be refreshed. This will be in addition to the normal I/O refresh per-
formed during the CPU Units cycle.
To refresh I/O words allocated to Special I/O Units 0 through 9 (IR 100 to IR 199),
designate IR 040 to IR 049. These IR words are just used to identify the corre-
sponding Special I/O Unit; execution of IORF(97) will have no effect on the con-
tent of IR 040 to IR 049.
For example, set St to IR 043 and E to IR 045 to refresh the I/O words allocated to
Special I/O Units 3, 4, and 5. The I/O words allocated to those Units (IR 130 to
IR 159) will be refreshed when IORF(97) is executed. This will be in addition to
the normal I/O refresh performed during the CPU Units cycle.
To specify a particular 10-word Special I/O Unit Area (IR 100 to IR 190 or IR 400
to IR 450), input the first word of the 10-word area. (The last digit of the IR word
must be 0.)
Refer to 5-25-9 GROUP-2 HIGH-DENSITY I/O REFRESH MPRF(61) for de-
tails on refreshing words allocated to Group-2 High-density I/O Units.
Flags ER: St and/or E arent within the proper setting ranges.
(000 to 029, 040 to 040, 100 to 190, 300 to 309, or 400 to 450).
St and E arent within the same setting range.
St is greater than E.
St: Starting unit number
#0000 to #000F
E: End unit number
#0000 to #000F
Ladder Symbols
Operand Data Areas
000: Set to 000.
Limitations MPRF(61) can be used to refresh I/O words allocated to Group-2 High-density
I/O Units only. It cannot be used for other I/O words.
St and E must be between #0000 and #000F. St must be less than or equal to E.
Description When the execution condition is OFF, MPRF(61) is not executed. When the
execution condition is ON, the I/O words allocated to Group-2 High-density I/O
Units with unit numbers St through E will be refreshed. This will be in addition to
the normal I/O refresh performed during the CPU Units cycle.
It is not possible to specify the I/O words by address, only by the unit number of
the Unit to which they are allocated.
Execution Time The execution time for MPRF(61) is computed as follows:
= Instruction execution time
+ (Group-2 High-density I/O Unit I/O refresh times)
Special Instructions Section 5-25