
Memory Move Instructions 5-33
Indirect addresses are not allowed. A burst of data is fetched from
the source address, put into the DMA FIFO and then written out to
the destination address. The move continues until the byte count
decrements to zero, then another SCRIPTS is fetched from system
The DMA SCRIPTS Pointer Save (DSPS) and Data Structure Address
(DSA) registers are additional holding registers used during the Memory
Move. However, the contents of the Data Structure Address (DSA)
register are preserved.
5.7.1 First Dword
IT[2:0] Instruction Type - Memory Move [31:29]
The IT bit configuration (110) defines a Memory Move
Instruction Type.
R Reserved [28:25]
These bits are reserved and must be zero. If any of these
bits are set, an illegal instruction interrupt occurs.
NF No Flush 24
When this bit is set, the LSI53C875A performs a Memory
Move without flushing the prefetch unit. When this bit is
cleared, the Memory Move instruction automatically
flushes the prefetch unit. Use the No Flush option if the
source and destination are not within four instructions of
the current Memory Move instruction.
This bit has no effect unless the Prefetch Enable bit in the
DMA Control (DCNTL) register is set. For information on
SCRIPTS instruction prefetching, see Chapter 2.
TC[23:0] Transfer Counter [23:0]
The number of bytes to transfer is stored in the lower
24 bits of the first instruction word.
31 29 28 25 24 23 0
DMA Command (DCMD) Register DMA Byte Counter (DBC) Register
R NF Transfer Counter (TC) [23:0]
0 0 0 0 x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx