
PCI Configuration Registers 4-17
DSCL Data_Scale [14:13]
The LSI53C875A does not support the data register.
Therefore, these two bits are always cleared.
DSLT Data_Select [12:9]
The LSI53C875A does not support the data register.
Therefore, these four bits are always cleared.
PEN PME_Enable 8
The LSI53C875A always returns a zero for this bit to
indicate that PME assertion is disabled.
R Reserved [7:2]
PWS[1:0] Power State [1:0]
Bits [1:0] are used to determine the current power state
of the LSI53C875A. They are used to place the
LSI53C875A in a new power state. Power states are
defined as:
See Section 2.5, “Power Management,” in Chapter 2 for
descriptions of the Power Management States.
Register: 0x46
Bridge Support Extensions (PMCSR_BSE)
Read Only
BSE Bridge Support Extensions [7:0]
This register indicates PCI Bridge specific functionality.
The LSI53C875A does not support extensions and
always returns 0x00.
0b00 D0
0b01 D1
0b10 D2
0b11 D3hot
7 0