
SCSI Registers 4-41
During a Transfer Control instruction, the Compare
Data (bit 18) and Compare Phase (bit 17) bits are set
in the DMA Byte Counter (DBC) register while the
LSI53C875A is in target mode.
During a Transfer Control instruction, the Carry Test
bit (bit 21) is set and either the Compare Data (bit 18)
or Compare Phase (bit 17) bit is set.
A Transfer Control instruction is executed with the
reserved bit 22 set.
A Transfer Control instruction is executed with the
Wait for Valid phase bit (bit 16) set while the chip is in
target mode.
memory address mapped to the operating registers of
the chip, not including ROM or RAM.
A Load/Store instruction is issued when the
register address is not aligned with the memory
A Load/Store instruction is issued with bit 5 in the
DMA Command (DCMD) register cleared or bits 3 or
A Load/Store instruction when the count value in the
DMA Byte Counter (DBC) register is not set at 1 to 4.
A Load/Store instruction attempts to cross a Dword
A Memory Move instruction is executed with one of
the reserved bits in the DMA Command (DCMD)
register set.
A Memory Move instruction is executed with the
source and destination addresses not aligned.
A 64-bit Table Indirect Block Move instruction is
executed with a selector index value greater than
If the Select with ATN/ bit 24 is set for any I/O
instruction other than a Select instruction.