4-48 Registers
Register: 0x14
Interrupt Status Zero (ISTAT0)
This register is accessible by the host CPU while a LSI53C875A is
executing SCRIPTS (without interfering in the operation of the function).
It is used to poll for interrupts if hardware interrupts are disabled. Read
this register after servicing an interrupt to check for stacked interrupts.
ABRT Abort Operation 7
Setting this bit aborts the current operation under
execution by the LSI53C875A. If this bit is set and an
interrupt is received, clear this bit before reading the DMA
Status (DSTAT) register to prevent further aborted
interrupts from being generated. The sequence to abort
any operation is:
1. Set this bit.
2. Wait for an interrupt.
3. Read the Interrupt Status Zero (ISTAT0) and
Interrupt Status One (ISTAT1) registers.
4. If the SCSI Interrupt Pending bit is set, then read the
SCSI Interrupt Status Zero (SIST0) or SCSI Interrupt
Status One (SIST1) register to determine the cause
5. If the SCSI Interrupt Pending bit is clear, and the
DMA Interrupt Pending bit is set, then write 0x00
value to this register.
6. Read the DMA Status (DSTAT) register to verify the
aborted interrupt and to see if any other interrupting
conditions have occurred.
SRST Software Reset 6
Setting this bit resets the LSI53C875A. All operating
registers are cleared to their respective default values
and all SCSI signals are deasserted. Setting this bit does
not assert the SCSI RST/ signal. This reset does not