
I/O Instruction 5-17
the LSI53C875A to Initiator mode if it is reselected, or to
Target mode if it is selected.
If the Select with SATN/ field is set, the SATN/ signal is
asserted during the selection phase.
Wait Disconnect Instruction
The LSI53C875A waits for the Target to perform a “legal”
disconnect from the SCSI bus. A “legal” disconnect
occurs when SBSY/ and SSEL/ are inactive for a
minimum of one Bus Free delay (400 ns), after the
LSI53C875A receives a Disconnect Message or a
Command Complete Message.
Wait Reselect Instruction
If the LSI53C875A is selected before being reselected, it
fetches the next instruction from the address pointed to
bythe32-bitjumpaddressfieldstoredintheDMA Next
Address (DNAD) register. Manually set the LSI53C875A
to Target mode when it is selected.
If the LSI53C875A is reselected, it fetches the next
instruction from the address pointed to by the DMA
SCRIPTS Pointer (DSP) register.
If the CPU sets the SIGP bit in the Interrupt Status Zero
(ISTAT0) register, the LSI53C875A aborts the Wait
Reselect instruction and fetches the next instruction from
the address pointed to by the 32-bit jump address field
stored in the DMA Next Address (DNAD) register.
Set Instruction
When the SACK/ or SATN/ bits are set, the
corresponding bits in the SCSI Output Control Latch
(SOCL) register are set. When the target bit is set, the
corresponding bit in the SCSI Control Zero (SCNTL0)
register is also set. When the carry bit is set, the
corresponding bit in the ALU is set.
Clear Instruction
When the SACK/ or SATN/ bits are cleared, the
corresponding bits are cleared in the SCSI Output Con-
trol Latch (SOCL) register. When the target bit is cleared,
the corresponding bit in the SCSI Control Zero (SCNTL0)
register is cleared. When the carry bit is cleared, the
corresponding bit in the ALU is cleared.