
4-84 Registers
SEL[3:0] Selection Time-Out [3:0]
These bits select the SCSI selection/reselection time-out
period. When this timing (plus the 200
µs selection abort
time) is exceeded, the STO bit in the SCSI Interrupt
Status One (SIST1) register is set. For a more detailed
explanation of interrupts, refer to Chapter 2, “Functional
HTH [3:0]
SEL [3:0]
GEN [3:0]
Minimum Time-out
(80 MHz Clock) With
Scale Factor Bit Cleared
1. These values are correct if the CCF bits in the SCSI Control Three (SCNTL3)
register are set according to the valid combinations in the bit description.
Minimum Time-out
(80 MHz Clock) With
Scale Factor Bit Set
0000 Disabled Disabled
0001 100 µs1.6ms
0010 200 µs3.2ms
0011 400 µs6.4ms
0100 800 µs12.8ms
0101 1.6 ms 25.6 ms
0110 3.2 ms 51.2 ms
0111 6.4 ms 102.4 ms
1000 12.8 ms 204.8 ms
1001 25.6 ms 409.6 ms
1010 51.2 ms 819.2 ms
1011 102.4 ms 1.6 s
1100 204.8 ms 3.2 s
1101 409.6 ms 6.4 s
1110 819.2 ms 12.8 s
1111 1.6 + s 25.6 s