LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Troubleshooting
User Manual page 58
5.5. Troubleshooting the USB Connection
5.5.1. Mac Users
Problem Question Solution
The USB drive/key or USB
printer connected to the USB
expansion port is not recog-
Is the Network Space 2 connected to
your computer via USB?
Devices connected to the USB expansion port (hard drive or
printer) are automatically unmounted when you connect the
Network Space 2 to a computer via USB. To make the external
hard drive or printer accessible, disconnect the Network Space
2 from your computer and connect it to the network using the
Ethernet cable.
The Network Space 2 is not
recognized by the computer.
Does an icon for the drive appear on
the desktop?
There should be an icon for the LaCie drive on the desktop (un-
less you’ve set the Finder preference not to show External disks
on the desktop). If the drive does not appear, follow the rest of
the Troubleshooting tips to isolate the problem.
Does your computer’s configuration
meet the minimum system requirements
for use with this drive?
See section 1.1. Minimum System Requirements for more infor-
mation. Also, try changing the computer you are using. Com-
puter problems can manifest themselves in many ways. Even if
the computer appears to be working properly, this is a worth-
while test.
Is the drive’s power supply connected? Make sure that the power supply is properly connected (see sec-
tion 3.4.1. STEP 1: Turn On the Drive) and that the outlet the
power supply is connected to is working.
Did you follow the correct installation
steps for the USB connection?
Review the installation steps in section 3.4. Accessing USBShare
via USB.
Are both ends of the USB cable securely
Only use a USB cable provided by LaCie. Check both ends of
the USB cable to make sure they are fully seated in their respec-
tive ports. Try disconnecting the cables, waiting 10 seconds, and
then reconnecting them. If the drive is still not recognized, restart
your computer and try again.
Is there a conflict with other device driv-
ers or extensions?
Contact LaCie Technical Support for help.
You receive error messages
when copying files to the
Did you get an “Error –50” message
while copying to drive when connected
via USB?
When you connect the Network Space 2 to a computer via USB,
the USB share of the drive that mounts on the computer is for-
matted in MS-DOS (FAT32). Under this format, file names with
certain characters cannot be copied. These characters include,
but are not limited to:
? < > / \ :
Check your files and folders to ensure that these types of char-
acters are not being used.
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