LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Accessing & Transferring Files
User Manual page 33
3.7.2. Multimedia Server: Windows Media
Once configured, Windows Media Player (WMP) can play files lo-
cated on the Network Space 2 through the network connection. Fol-
low these steps:
1. Make sure the Network Space 2 is properly connected to your
home network as described in section 2. Connecting to a Net-
2. Enable Multimedia server on the Network Space 2 Dashboard
(see section 4.6. Dashboard: General Settings) (Fig. 42).
3. In WMP, click Organize > Manage Libraries > Music (or Video
or Pictures) (Fig. 44).
4. In the dialogue window, click Add, select NetworkSpace2 (if
you haven’t changed the machine name) under the Network
section, and click Include Folder (Fig. 45).
5. WMP will begin indexing the media files. Once completed, they
will appear in the WMP library.
Fig. 44
Fig. 45