LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Accessing & Transferring Files
User Manual page 30
3.6. Accessing Shares via FTP
The FTP protocol is used to transfer files from one computer to an-
other through a local network or over the internet. This protocol
allows you to exchange files with your friends or relatives securely,
as only people with a user account will have access.
The FTP service is enabled by default for new shares, but if you have
disabled the service at the global or user level, enable the service
as described in sections 4.6. Dashboard: General Settings and 4.7.
Dashboard: Users.
To connect to the Network Space 2 via FTP locally on the LAN, enter
in your browser’s or FTP client’s address field:
ftp://[IP address]
TECHNICAL NOTE: See section 2.5. Assign a Static IP Address for
instructions on finding your Network Space 2’s IP address.
ftp://<username>:<password>@<ip or machine name>/
Example: ftp://ringo:4xtp23@NetworkSpace2/
To login, enter your Dashboard username and password (4.7. Dash-
board: Users).
To remotely access the drive from a computer NOT on your net-
work, refer to 3.5. Remote Access.
Fig. 41