LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Troubleshooting
User Manual page 56
5.4. Troubleshooting the Network Connection
Problem Question Solution
The USB drive/key or USB
printer connected to the USB
expansion port is not recog-
Is the Network Space 2 connected to
your computer via USB?
Devices connected to the USB expansion port (hard drive or
printer) are automatically unmounted when you connect the
Network Space 2 to a computer via USB. To make the external
hard drive or printer accessible, disconnect the Network Space
2 from your computer and connect it to the network using the
Ethernet cable.
I connected a USB drive to
the USB expansion port, but
the drive does not mount and
is not listed in LaCie Network
Is the USB drive formatted in MS-DOS
(FAT32) and is its capacity more than
500 GB?
Reformat the drive in a different file format.
The Network Space 2 is not
recognized by the computer.
Does your computer’s configuration
meet the minimum system require-
Check section 1.1. Minimum System Requirements for more in-
Is the system’s power supply connected
and is the LED on the front of the drive
Make sure that the power supply is properly connected (see sec-
tion 2.2. STEP 2: Connect the Ethernet Cable for details); that
the system has been powered on pushing the power button; and
that the outlet the power supply is connected to is powered on
or has a sufficient supply of power.
Is the LED on the front of the device
flickering for an inordinate period of
If the LED is flickering or will not turn on, the power supply
may be defective. Please contact your LaCie reseller or LaCie
Customer Support.
Did you follow the correct installation
Review the installation steps (2. Connecting to a Network).
Are both ends of the Ethernet cable
firmly connected?
Disconnect the Ethernet cable, wait 10 seconds and then
Ensure that the interface connectors are properly aligned. The
Ethernet cable can only be inserted one way. Make sure it is
correctly oriented.
Check that the Ethernet connectors are straight and fully seated
in the Ethernet ports.
Make sure that you use the Ethernet cord provided in the LaCie
Network Space 2 box.
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