LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Accessing & Transferring Files
User Manual page 18
3.1. About Shares
The LaCie Network Space 2 has three shares (similar to drive
partitions or volumes) by default: OpenShare, MyShare, and
USBShare (USBShare will be created automatically when you allocate
space for USB access; see 4.9.2. Modifying USBShare Capacity).
The following table sums up the differences between them:
Share Created Accessibility Connection
MyShare By default Password-protected, accessible only to
admin by default
When connected to the network
OpenShare By default Public, accessible to any user on the
When connected to the network
(Ethernet) and to UPnP/DLNA-certified
players/adapters (if UPnP service is
USBShare When capacity is allocated to
Public, accessible to any user on the
When connected to the network
(Ethernet) or to a computer (USB)
(ex. JohnShare)
When the administrator adds
a new user
Password-protected, accessible only to
the user
When connected to the network