LaCie Network Space 2 • DESIGN BY NEIL POULTON Accessing & Transferring Files
User Manual page 32
3.7.1. Multimedia Server: iTunes
The Network Space 2 can act as an iTunes Music server, streaming
audio files (stored on OpenShare only) to a computer on the net-
work running iTunes. Once configured, a playlist bearing the ma-
chine name of your Network Space 2 (by default NetworkSpace2)
will appear in the Shared category within iTunes, and audio files
stored on the Network Space 2 will be listed in this playlist. Follow
these steps:
1. Make sure the Network Space 2 is properly connected to your
home network as described in section 2. Connecting to a Net-
2. Enable Multimedia server on the Network Space 2 Dashboard
(see section 4.6. Dashboard: General Settings) (Fig. 42).
3. In iTunes, make sure Library sharing is enabled in Preferences >
Sharing > Look for shared libraries.
4. Access the shared playlist in iTunes (Fig. 43).
TECHNICAL NOTE: The iTunes Server Service supports the follow-
ing file types: .mp3, .wav, .aac, .pls, and .m3u.
Fig. 43