24 Kyocera KR1 Mobile Router User Guide
Preamble Type- Select Short or Long Preamble. The Preamble defines the length of the CRC block (Cyclic
Redundancy Check is a common technique for detecting data transmission errors) for
communication between the Kyocera KR1 Mobile Router and the roaming wireless network
adapters. Note: High network traffic areas should use the shorter preamble type. By
the Preamble Type is
Short Preamble.
SSID Broadcast- Choose Enabled to broadcast the SSID across the network. All devices on a network must
share the same SSID (Service Set Identifier) to establish communication. Choose Disabled if
you do not wish to broadcast the SSID over the network. By
default the SSID Broadcast
Antenna transmit power- Antenna transmit power is the level at which your Wireless Access Point (WAP) transmits
the wireless signal. You may select from the following four options:
100% 17dBm, 50%
15dBm, 25% 12 dBm,
12.5% 10dBm. 100% 17dBm
is the default. Select this option if you desire a larger
wireless coverage area. Select
12.5% 10dBm for a smaller wireless coverage area.