Project 06/2005 Danaher Motion
In this section, we set up the axes in the system. We will discuss units for
position, velocity, and acceleration. We discuss how the SERVOSTAR MC’s
acceleration profile works. We talk about how to set up limits for axes. We
conclude with a discussion of a few advanced topics: an overview of
SERCOS, simulated axes, and dual-loop position control.
3.6.1. Axis Definition
The MC is oriented around axes. An axis is a combination of a drive, a
motor, and some portions of the MC. The diagram below shows an MC axis:
Each axis has a set of properties that are defined by the MC. These
properties are used in the calculation of position and velocity commands,
monitoring limits, and stores configuration data for the axis. The MC sends
commands to the drive and the drive controls the motor. All these
components together form an axis of motion.
3.6.2. Axis Name
The MC automatically sets up all your axes according to their addresses: A1,
A2, A3, and so on until A32 ( the maximal number of axes is limited by User
Autorization Code by manufacturer ). You access axis properties by
preceding the property name with the axis name and a period. For example,
each axis has a property, VELOCITYFEEDBACK, which provides the
current velocity of that axis. You can query the VELOCITYFEEDBACK
value with the ? command in the BASIC Moves terminal:
? A1.VelocityFeedback
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