Record of Manual Revisions
Revision Date Description of Revision
0 3/1/1999 Preliminary issue for review
1 5/14/1999 Initial release
2 6/5/2000 New PCI and stand-alone models, new firmware features
3 8/31/2001 New firmware features
D 5/11/2005 Update examples
E 6/20/2005 Updated firmware version and dates
©1999 – 2005 Danaher Motion. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
is a registered trademark of Danaher Corporation. Danaher
Motion makes every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the specifications in
this publication. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Danaher Motion
provides this information "AS IS" and disclaims all warranties, express or implied,
including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. It is the responsibility of the product user to determine the
suitability of this product for a specific application.
SERVOSTAR, GOLDLINE Motors, MOTIONLINK, Motioneering, BASIC Moves Development
Studio, Kollmorgen API and MC-BASIC are trademarks of the Kollmorgen Corporation.
VxWorks is a trademark of Wind River.
Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft
Safety-alert symbols used in this document are:
Warnings alert users to potential physical danger or harm. Failure
to follow warning notices could result in personal injury or death.
Cautions direct attention to general precautions, which if not
followed, could result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.
Notes highlight information critical to your understanding or use of
the product.