Danaher Motion 06/2005 Appendix B
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 181
move {j1.pmin,j2.pmin,0,0}
while ismoving
sleep 1
End While
Print "Plotting the workspace"
move {j1.pmin,0,0,0}
move {j1.pmax,0,0,0}
move {j1.pmax,j2.pmax,0,0}
End Program
Robot Configurations
In robot models, there are several joint points representing the same robot end-effector
position for each location point. To uniquely select between different joint coordinates, there
are configuration flags.
For SCARA kinematics, there is only one configuration flag available: the arm flag. It
indicates either lefty (1) (j2.pcmd > 0) or righty (2) (j2.pcmd > 0). A value of 1 (lefty)
means that the joint coordinates having a positive second joint are taken to represent the
given location. The current configuration of the robot is returned by ARMFBK. The value can
be 1 or 2, depending on the position feedback value of the second joint. ARMFBK
determines the movement's target position. It can be automatic (0), lefty(1) or righty(2).
When a movement with a Cartesian target position is given, the joint coordinates of the
target position are selected according to ARMFBK. If it is zero (automatic), the current robot
configuration is used (ARMFBK).
PUMA models traditionally use three configuration flags (arm,elbow and wrist – ACMD,
Another use of configuration flags is in the conversion function, TOJOINT. This function
translates the given location point into joint point. It receives two arguments. The first is the
location variable and the second is the configuration flag.
A point is a new data type used for storing a list of doubles in a variable. The main
advantage of points is that you can directly call the whole vector without having to access
every element of it. There are two subtypes of the point data type: LOCATION and JOINT.
Using both point types in the same expression results in a type mismatch translation error.
Type casting between point types requires the usage of special system functions TOJOINT