Danaher Motion 06/2005 Groups
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 135
For example:
Group1.StartType = SYNC
AuxAxis.StartType = SYNC
Move Group1 {500, 500} VCruise = 2000
Sleep 1000 ‘Program delayed between Move Commands
Move AuxAxis 100 VCruise = 1000
SyncStart Group1 AuxAxis
causes the two profiles to start at the same time.
<axis>.STARTTYPE is overridden inside move commands so the above
example can be done more conveniently:
Move Group1 {500, 500} VCruise = 2000 StartType = SYNC
Move AuxAxis 100 VCruise = 1000 StartType = SYNC
SyncStart Group1 AuxAxis
You can synchronize as many groups and axes as you want, including
simulated axes. Since each SYNCSTART specifies the groups and axes it
synchronizes, you can independently synchronize multiple sets of groups
and axes.
6.10.6. Clear A Pending Move
If you have loaded a synchronized move in the motion generator and need to
delete it, use SYNCCLEAR. For example, if you entered the following
command in the above sequence before issuing SYNCSTART:
SyncClear Group1
The Group1 move is deleted. Changing GROUP1.STARTTYPE only affects
subsequent moves. You must use SYNCCLEAR to clear pending
synchronized moves. SYNCCLEAR has no effect once the move is
executing. In this case, you stop the move as you would a non-synchronized
The MC provides the ability to speed up or slow down all motion commands.
This can be applied to an entire machine at once, an entire group, or to
individual axes independently. This capability is used extensively in machine
development. You can adjust the entire machine speed with a single
command. Because the command can be issued from the terminal, you can
observe machine operation at a variety of speeds without modifying your
All axes on the MC are controlled with SYSTEM.VELOCITYOVERRIDE
(SYS.VORD). For example:
Sys.VOSpd = 25
immediately (if the velocity is previously greater than 25) reduces the velocity
of all currently executing MOVEs, CIRCLEs and JOGs, as well as any
subsequently issued commands. Since, the velocities are controlled by
VOSPD, the acceleration and jerk rates of all axes are proportionally
adjusted. The final positions of MOVEs are not affected.
Use <group>.VELOCITYOVERRIDE (<group>.VORD) to override the
velocity of a group rather than the entire machine. It is used similarly to
SYS.VORD, except it applies only to the group. VORD can be applied to as
many or as few groups as is desired and the amount of override specified for
one axis is independent of the others.