Appendix A 06/2005 Danaher Motion
' Sys.Motion = on 'Allow system motion
' A1.Motion = on 'Allow motion in axis A1
' For sample_int = 1 To 10 'Loop 10 times
rem Move A1 to 5 position unit(s)
' Move A1 5 Absolute=0
' Sleep 2000 'Sleep two seconds
rem Move A1 back to start
' Move A1 -5 Absolute=0
' Sleep 2000 'Sleep two seconds
' Next sample_int
' Print "Sample program completed."
' Sys.Motion = off 'Disable motion in system
' Sys.En = off 'Disable system
rem Auto generated sample program end here
Detach A1 'Detach from axes
End Program
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
rem Sercos Set-up Routine Automatically Generated by the Project Wizard
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SercosSetup
rem If ring is not up...
If Sercos.Phase <> 4 Then
Sercos.Phase = 0 'Bring the ring all the way down
Sercos.Baudrate = 4 'Set baudrate to 4 Mbaud
rem Set Drive Addresses
A1.Dadd = 1
Sercos.Phase = 4 'Bring ring all the way up
End If
End Sub
Continued on next page……….
168 Rev E M-SS-005-03