Single-Axis Motion 06/2005 Danaher Motion
90 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
PROCEED has two purposes: to enhance safety and to allow motion to
continue along the original path. The safety enhancement is provided by not
allowing motion on an axis to restart without the task that stopped the motion
issuing a PROCEED. The path control is provided by
<axis>.PROCEEDTYPE. PROCEEDTYPE can be set in one of three modes:
operation are:
1. When a task stops the motion of axes to which it is attached, a
PROCEED is allowed, but not required.
2. When STOP is issued from the terminal window and the axis being
stopped is attached to a task, motion is stopped and the task is
suspended upon execution of the next motion or DETACH. The task
and the motion it commands can restart only after a PROCEED is
issued from the terminal window. Motion is commanded from the
terminal window before PROCEED is issued.
3. When STOP is issued from one task and the axis being stopped is
attached to another task, motion is stopped and the task is suspended
upon execution of the next motion or DETACH. The task and the
motion it commands restart only after PROCEED is issued from the task
that stopped motion. Motion cannot be commanded from the task that
stopped motion.
4. When STOP is issued from the terminal window for a command given
from the terminal window, the motion is stopped and cannot proceed. In
this case, the only available proceed type is CLEARMOTION from the
There are three ways for PROCEED to restart motion. Use PROCEEDTYPE
to specify how the motion generator should proceed:
ProceedType = Continue
This causes the motion generator to continue the motion command that
was stopped followed by the pending motion in the stopped buffer.
ProceedType = NextMotion
This causes the motion generator to abort the current move and go
directly to the move in the stopped motion buffer.
ProceedType = ClearMotion
This clears the motion buffer. All motion commands in the stopped
motionbuffer are aborted. This is the default.
4.1.8. Move
MOVE is the most common of point-to-point moves. The basic move is a
three-segment motion:
Accelerate Go from zero speed to VelocityCruise
Cruise Continue at VelocityCruise.
Decelerate Go from VelocityCruise to VelocityFinal
The critical part of a three-segment move is starting the deceleration at the
right time so that the motor speed becomes zero (if VELOCITYFINAL = 0)
just as the position command reaches the final position. For example, the
following command:
Move ConveyorAxis 100 VCruise = 2000
produces the next profile.