
6320ax03.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
254 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
shut down the connected applications, reissue the db2 list applications
command and verify that no data is returned by the status monitor.
5. Ensure that all your Commerce Suite 5.1 databases (such as MSER, MALL,
and so on) are cataloged. To view a list of all the cataloged databases in the
current instance, type the following command:
db2 list database directory
6. Create a directory where you will back up your databases, for example:
mkdir drive:\db2_backup
7. Back up all Commerce Suite 5.1 databases (such as MSER, MALL, and so
on) by typing the following command:
db2 backup database db_name to backup_directory
where db_name is the name of the database, and backup_directory is the full
path to where you want to back up the database. Include the drive: letter in
the path Draft name. The backup_directory must exist. You should receive a
message indicating that the back up was successful.
For example, to back up the MALL database to the above backup directory,
use the following command:
db2 backup database MALL to drive:\db2_backup
If you have more than one database, repeat the command for each
Commerce Suite 5.1 database. You should back up any non-Commerce Suite
5.1 databases, such as the WAS or WAS40 databases, or the WebSphere
Commerce Payments (formerly WebSphere Payment Manager) database,
PAYMAN, at this time.
For more information on backing up databases, refer to the DB2
Administration Guide. For more information on the syntax of the backup
command, refer to the DB2 Command Reference.