Chapter 11. Migrating WebSphere Commerce components 211
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_migrating.fm
In the above example the migration script has generated two warning (outlined in
bold). The first one is to warn you that the transaction log size would get full and
cause the migration script to fail. To solve this we updated the size of the
transaction log to 30,000 blocks which should be enough for even very large
db2 update db configuration for <database name> using logfilsiz 30000
The second warning is originated because of the missing products for the items
(explained in detail in Product-item relationship in Section 10.3.5, “Catalog” on
page 193). We choose to ignore this warning as the migration script will create
the products for us.
Once all the errors has been corrected, the script can be run again with the same
syntax as before, but with the precheck option removed. The log file will be the
Example 11-2 A small extract of the migration log file
[2004.04.29 20:48:22] Info : Logging started in VERBOSE mode.
[2004.04.29 20:48:22] Info : DTD path: ...
[2004.04.29 20:48:22] Event: Loading plan:
[2004.04.29 20:48:25] Info : Plan loaded.
[2004.04.29 20:48:25] Info : dbname: mall
[2004.04.29 20:48:25] Info : dbuser: dbusr01
[2004.04.29 20:48:25] Info : dbtype: db2
[2004.04.29 20:48:25] Info : instance name: demo
[2004.04.29 20:48:25] Info : schema name: dbusr01
[2004.04.29 20:52:59] Info : set schema dbusr01
[2004.04.29 20:53:03] Info : SELECT PRODUCTVERSION FROM SITE
[2004.04.29 20:53:08] Info : Init Migrator ends.
[2004.04.29 20:53:09] Event: Pre migration begins...
[2004.04.29 20:53:13] Event: Executing command: precheck
[2004.04.29 20:53:13] Event: running java program:
[2004.04.29 20:53:31] Warning: [401] You have some items without parent products. You may
create a parent product for each item if you do not want default migration behaviour.
[2004.04.29 21:08:36] Info : CREATE INDEX I0000433 ON accmbrgrp ( owner_id ASC )