6320ch_install_56.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
170 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
After a successful installation, the last message in the file
install_<date>_<time>.log will contain the following text:
WebSphere Commerce installation complete.
DB2 Universal Database installation logs
Examine the following log files:
Where <wc_home> is the installation directory for WebSphere Commerce. If the
installation fails, these files may be placed in the directory pointed to by the tmp
Windows environment variable. The default value for this variable is the
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp
Where <username> is the name of the currently logged on Windows user.
The last line of the db2wi.log file should be:
Product: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition -- Installation operation completed
WebSphere Application Server installation logs
Examine the following log files to verify the WebSphere Application Server
Note: The following error messages may appear in the log file and can be
safely ignored:
DEBUG: Error 2769: Custom Action StreamLibrarysCA did not close 1
1: Can not set the “SVCENAME=db2c_DB2” value in the Database Manager
Configuration File for the instance “DB2”. Return code is “-104”.
1: The Fast Connection Manager (FCM) base port was not specified for the
instance “DB2”. Default parameters will be used.
1: The maximum number of logical nodes was not specified for the instance
“DB2”. Default parameters will be used.