6320ch_install_56.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
176 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
3. The database page appears. Ensure that the Create a new DB2 database or
Oracle tablespace option is selected and that the Remote check box is not
checked. Enter the following values and click Next:
– Database administrator name: <userid>
– Database administrator password: <password>
– Confirm Database administrator password: <password>
– Database name: testwpm
– Database type: DB2
Where <userid> and <password> are the user ID and password for the
existing administrative user, which was used during the installation in 9.2,
“Installation” on page 165.
4. The Schema page appears. Enter the same user ID and password used in
the previous page and ensure that Use staging server is not checked and
that Set as active database is checked. Click Next.
5. It is not necessary to change the default values for the two remaining pages.
Click Next and Finish.
Note: The chosen Instance Password is only for test purposes. It is
strongly recommended to a different password for a production site.
When choosing an Instance Password, the password must adhere to the
following rules:
Must contain at least eight characters.
Must contain at least one alphabetic character.
Must contain at least one numeric character.
The same character cannot occur more than four times in total.
The same character cannot occur consecutively more than three times.
Likewise, it is also not recommended to uncheck the Password Required
for startup check box on production systems.
Note: It is recommended to use a different non-administrative user ID for a
production system. For test purposes, we choose to reuse the
administrative user ID for the schema owner.