Chapter 6. Pre-migration steps 105
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
Master catalog
In order to be able to use the product management tools in the WebSphere
Commerce Accelerator, the store must have a valid master catalog.
Refer to “Master catalog” on page 193 for details about master catalogs and a
procedure for generating a valid master catalog for your store.
Product-item relationship
In WebSphere Commerce V5.6 all items must have a product. This rule is
enforced as the Product Management Tool uses products as its starting point.
This rule can be applied in two ways (if needed):
1. Manually create products and associate items.
The benefits with this approach is less products and more organized
product-item relations.
2. Let the migration script create one product (placeholder) for each item.
The benefits of this approach is that the script deals with creating the
products, but the user may need to reorganize the products (placeholders)
and their items after the migration.
In our example we let the migration script create the products (placeholders) for
the items.
6.3.5 Members
This section describes the changes which needs to be applied for the member
subsystem. This includes:
Organizational structure
Profile types
Role changes
Organizational structure
Every user and organizational entity in WebSphere Commerce V5.6, with the
exception of Root Organization, must have a parent organizational entity. This
allows users and organizational entities to form a membership hierarchy.
The migration script will ensure that this is enforced, using the following rules: