Chapter 5. Installing WebSphere Commerce Development Environment 85
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_installation.fm
5.5.6 Migrate databases to DB2 Universal Database V8.1 level
At this point, the databases in the system are all DB2 Universal Database V7.2.5
databases, not compatible with DB2 Universal Database V8.1. In order to use the
databases, you must migrate these.
To migrate the databases, perform the following steps:
1. Log on to the system with a Windows administrator
2. In a DB2 Command Window, enter the following command for each of the
databases in your system:
db2 migrate db <database_name>
Where <database_name> is the name of the database you wish to migrate.
When the migration is finished, You should see the following message:
DB20000I The MIGRATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
In our example, we entered the following commands:
db2 migrate db mall
db2 migrate db pns
db2 migrate db was
db2 migrate db payman
db2 migrate db satctldb
db2 migrate db dwctrldb
5.6 Configuring the development environment for DB2
This section details the steps taken in order to configure the test environment to
work with DB2 Universal Database. Additionally, the steps below will install the
full test environment server. Once the steps in this section have been followed,
you will have the option of using either the lightweight or the full test environment
as both will be configured for DB2 Universal Database. For more information
about the differences between the two, please refer to the WebSphere
Commerce Developer V5.6 Installation Guide for Windows.
Note: The db2 migrate command will only change the internal structures of
the database to be compatible with DB2 Universal Database V8.1. No
changes relating to the WebSphere Commerce schema in the database is
changed. The WebSphere Commerce related migration is done in Chapter 7,
“Migrating the development environment” on page 111.