80 IBM Certification Study Guide AIX HACMP
4. Reboot the machine to bring the change into effect.
The same task can be executed from the command line by entering:
Also with this method, a reboot is required to bring the change into effect.
The procedure to change the ID of an SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide
Adapter/A or Enhanced SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A is almost the
same as the one described above. Here, the adapter that you choose from
the list you get after executing the
smit chgsys command should be an ascsi
device. Also, as shown below, you need to change the external SCSI ID only.
Change / Show Characteristics of a SCSI Adapter
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
SCSI Adapter scsi0
Description SCSI I/O Controller
Status Available
Location 00-08
Adapter card SCSI ID [6] +#
BATTERY backed adapter no +
DMA bus memory LENGTH [0x202000] +
Enable TARGET MODE interface no +
Target Mode interface enabled no
PERCENTAGE of bus memory DMA area
for target mode [50] +#
Name of adapter code download file /etc/microcode/8d>
Apply change to DATABASE only yes +
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List
F5=Reset F6=Command F7=Edit F8=Image
F9=Shell F10=Exit Enter=Do
# chdev -l scsi1 -a id=6 -P