168 IBM Certification Study Guide AIX HACMP
To change the nodes associated with a given resource group, or to change
the priorities assigned to the nodes in a resource group chain, you must
redefine the resource group. You must also redefine the resource group if you
add or change a resource assigned to the group. This section describes how
to add, change, and delete a resource group.
8.5.1 Add/Change/Remove Cluster Resources
You can add, change and remove a resource group in an active cluster. You
do not need to stop and then restart cluster services for the resource group to
become part of the current cluster configuration.
Use the following SMIT shortcuts:
To add a resource group, use
smit cm_add_grp.
To remove a resource group, use
smit cm_add_res.
To change a resource group, use
smit cm_add_res.
Whenever you modify the configuration of cluster resources in the ODM
on one node, you must synchronize the change across all cluster nodes.
8.5.2 Synchronize Cluster Resources
You perform a synchronization by choosing the Synchronize Cluster
Resources option from the Cluster Resources SMIT screen.
The processing performed in synchronization varies depending on whether
the Cluster Manager is active on the local node:
• Ιf the cluster manager is not active on the local node when you select this
option, the ODM data in the DCD (Default Configuration Directory–for
more information, see Chapter 3 in the
HACMP for AIX, Version 4.3:
Concepts and Facilities
, SC23-4276) on the local node is copied to the
ODMs stored in the DCDs on all cluster nodes.
In HACMP for AIX, the event customization information stored in the ODM
is synchronized across all cluster nodes when the cluster resources are
synchronized. Thus, pre, post, notify, and recovery event script names
must be the same on all nodes, although the actual processing done by
these scripts can be different.