Cluster Planning 35
• Design the network topology
• Define a network mask for your site
• Define IP addresses (adapter identifiers) for each node’s service and
standby adapters.
• Define a boot address for each service adapter that can be taken over, if
you are using IP address takeover or rotating resources.
• Define an alternate hardware address for each service adapter that can
have its IP address taken over, if you are using hardware address
swapping. Network Topology
The following sections cover topics of network topology.
Single Network
In a single-network setup, each node in the cluster is connected to only one
network and has only
one service adapter available to clients. In this setup, a
service adapter on any of the nodes may fail, and a standby adapter will
acquire its IP address. The network itself, however, is a single point of failure.
The following figure shows a single-network configuration:
Figure 5. Single-Network Setup
In the single-network setup, each node is connected to one network.
Each node has one service adapter and can have none, one, or more
standby adapters per public network.