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Chapter 5. Cluster Customization
Within an HACMP for AIX cluster, there are several things that are
customizable. The following paragraphs explain the customizing features for
events, error notification, network modules and topology services.
5.1 Event Customization
An HACMP for AIX cluster environment acts upon a state change with a set
of predefined cluster events (see 5.1.1, “Predefined Cluster Events” on page
117). Whenever a state change is detected by the cluster manager, it decides
which event will be started. It then executes the script for that event in a shell,
as well as the subevents associated with it. These predefined events can be
found under
The HACMP for AIX software provides an event customization facility that
allows you to tailor event processing to your site. This facility can be used to
include the following types of customization:
• Adding, changing, and removing custom cluster events
• Pre- and post-event processing
• Event notification
• Event recovery and retry
5.1.1 Predefined Cluster Events
HACMP has the following predefined cluster events: Node Events
This is the sequence of node_up events:
node_up This event occurs when a node joins the cluster.
Depending on whether the node is local or
remote, this event initiates either a
node_up_local or node_up_remote event.
node_up_local This script acquires the service address (or
shared address), gets all its owned (or shared)
resources, and takes the resources. This
includes making disks available, varying on
volume groups, mounting file systems, exporting
file systems, NFS-mounting file systems, and
varying on concurrent access volumes groups.