
Cluster Hardware and Software Preparation 79
The ID of an SCSI adapter, by default, is 7. Since each device on an SCSI
bus must have a unique ID, the ID of at least one of the adapters on a shared
SCSI bus has to be changed.
The procedure to change the ID of an SCSI-2 Differential Controller is:
1. At the command prompt, enter
smit chgscsi.
2. Select the adapter whose ID you want to change from the list presented to
3. Enter the new ID (any integer from 0 to 7) for this adapter in the Adapter
card SCSI ID field. Since the device with the highest SCSI ID on a bus
gets control of the bus, set the adapter’s ID to the highest available ID. Set
the Apply change to DATABASE only field to yes.
SCSI Adapter
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
scsi0 Available 00-02 SCSI I/O Controller
scsi1 Available 06-02 SCSI I/O Controller
scsi2 Available 08-02 SCSI I/O Controller
scsi3 Available 07-02 SCSI I/O Controller
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