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Chapter 6. Cluster Testing
Before you start to test the HACMP configuration, you need to guarantee that
your cluster nodes are in a stable state. Check the state of the:
• Devices
• System parameters
• Processes
• Network adapters
• Other items such as SP Switch, printers, and SNA configuration
6.1 Node Verification
Here is a series of suggested actions to test the state of a node before
including HACMP in the testing.
6.1.1 Device State
• Run diag -a in order to clean up the VPD.
• Look in the errorlog for unusual errors by issuing the command
errpt |
or errpt -a | more.
• Check that all devices are in the available state (
lsdev -C | more).
• Check that the SCSI addresses of adapters on shared buses are unique
lsattr -E -l ascsi0).
• If you are using target mode SCSI networks, check the connection by
cat < /dev/tmscsi#.tm on the first node and cat /etc/hosts >
/dev/tmscsi#.im (enter twice!) on the second node where # is the
appropriate tmscsi device number. Repeat the test in the other direction.
Note that cluster services must be stopped on both nodes to perform this
• To check a serial line between two nodes type
stty < /dev/tty# on both
nodes where
# is the appropriate tty device number for the RS232
heartbeat connection. Note that cluster services must be stopped on both
nodes to perform this test.