Panel 2: Apply Print Definition
Make the entries you want. Press F1 for descriptions of the fields. Here is a
description of some of the key fields:
User exit BEFORE
Initializes the name of a program you want run before processing. Refer to
“User Exit Before” on page 103.
User exit MIDDLE
Name of a program you want to be run after the input spooled file has
been copied to the input spool database. Refer to “User Exit Middle” on
page 104.
Device name
Name of the printer on which the output is to be printed.
Output Queue
Name of the queue for the output file.
Spooled file name
Name to be given to the output.
User data
A user-defined parameter in the form of a character string to be placed on
the output.
Hold or Save
Specify what you want done with the spooled file after it is processed.
Apply Print Definition (APYPRTDEF)
Type choices, press Enter.
User exit BEFORE:
Program ........... *NONE Name, *NONE
Library Name........ Name, *LIBL
User parameter........
User exit MIDDLE:
Program ........... *NONE Name, *NONE
Library Name........ Name, *LIBL
User parameter........
Device Name . . . . . . .... *JOB Name, *JOB
Output queue . . . . . . .... *SPOOLFILE Name, *DEV, *SPOOLFILE
Library Name......... Name,*LIBL
Spooled file name . . . .... *SPOOLFILE Name, *SPOOLFILE, *PRTDEF
User data ........... *SPOOLFILE Character value...
Form type ........... *SPOOLFILE Character value...
Hold spooled file . . . .... *NO *NO,*YES
Save spooled file . . . .... *NO *NO,*YES, *SPOOLFILE
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 92. Apply Print Definition panel
Chapter 5. Manual and Command Line Printing with APU 81