Chapter 4. Building an APU Print Definition for Multiple Page
This chapter provides you with a detailed procedure you use to develop a print
definition with APU for a multiple-page format document. Here is a summary of
the steps described in this chapter:
v “Example of a Multiple Page Format Document”
v “Overview of Defining a Multiple Page Format Document” on page 54
v “Working with a Print Definition” on page 55
v “Working with Copies” on page 60
v “Mapping Fields” on page 63
v “Replicating the Contents of Copies” on page 69
v “Continuation Page Copies” on page 71
Note: Refer to “Print Definition Creation” on page 111 for some helpful hints on
creating print definitions.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Building an APU Print Definition for a Single Page Format” on
page 35 for the procedure for developing single-page print definitions.
Example of a Multiple Page Format Document
The Super Sun Seeds Company has an invoice with simple preprinted forms that
allows the format of the continuation page to be different from the first page. This
facilitates, among other things, a full invoicing heading section on page one, and
an abbreviated heading on the following pages. Shown below is an example of the
Super Sun Seeds invoice:
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