
Using the Repeat Text Mapping panel, you can repeat the text mapping you
already defined for a field to other lines in the spooled file. To repeat the mapping
you selected, specify the following on the Repeat Text Mapping panel:
v The first row in the spooled file that you want to apply the selected mapping to
(13 in this example)
v The number of rows that you want the repeated mapping to apply to (3 in this
v The vertical print position where you want the first repeated mapping to
beplaced (2.167 in this example)
v The spacing between the repeated mappings (0.167 in this example)
You can continue to map the remainder of the data in the spooled file by using the
steps that are described in this section. When you have mapped or suppressed all
of the data in one page of the spooled file, you have completed the print definition
for this application.
Note: You can use the Print contents option on the Work with Print Definitions
panel to see a detailed summary of the mappings you have specified.
Mapping a Field at Multiple Locations
APU includes the capability to map or position fields at more than one location.
This section describes this capability.
Mapping a Field the First Time
When you begin to map a field, the “Map Text” panel will inform you that you are
“Mapping 1/1”:
Define Field Mapping
Spooled file . . . . : INVSCS Page/Line......: 1/1
Edit Text Mapping
Type choices, pr..........................................................:
: Repeat Text Mapping :
From Row / Colum : :
Mapping.... : Fromrow/column..: 12/ 12 :
Length . . . . : Length .......: 22 :
: Position across...: 1.1 *INCH :
Position across : Position down....: 2 *INCH :
Position down . : :
Font family . . : Type choices for repetitions, press Enter. :
Point size . : :
Bold . . . . : Starting row ..... 13 Value :
Italic . . . : Number of repetitions . 3 Value :
Rotation . . . : :
Color . . . . . : Starting position down 2.167 *INCH Value :
: Line increment .... 0.167 *INCH Value :
F4=Prompt : :
F16=Delete : F12=Cancel :
Figure 51. Repeat Function of Text Mapping panel
Chapter 3. Building an APU Print Definition for a Single Page Format 49