Appendix D. AFP Resource Commands
This appendix describes how to build iSeries resource objects from font, overlay,
and page segment files that are created on a client system. If you are using the
Overlay Utility (part of AFPU) for overlays, you will not need the overlay
commands. The Overlay Utility builds overlays directly on the OS/400. If you are
using the Resource Management Utility (also part of AFPU), it provides the
functions that are needed to build page segments.
Creating Font Resources
The following section describes how to create font resources.
1. Create a temporary resource file as shown below. From an iSeries command
line, issue the CRTPF command to create a file to receive the PC resources. The
“Create Physical File (CRTPF)” panel appears.
2. Transfer the font resource to the temporary resource file.
Create Physical File (CRTPF)
Type choices, press Enter.
File..............FILE > TEMPPF
Library ........... > QTEMP
Source file ..........SRCFILE QDDSSRC
Library ........... *LIBL
Source member . . . . . . . . . SRCMBR *FILE
Record length, if no DDS....RCDLEN 32766
Generation severity level . . . GENLVL 20
Flagging severity level ....FLAG 0
File type ...........FILETYPE *DATA
Member, if desired . . . ....MBR *FILE
Text ’description’ .......TEXT ’Temporary File’
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel
F13=How to use this display F24=More keys
Figure 112. Create Temporary Resource File
Copy From PC Document (CPYFRMPCD)
Type choices, press Enter.
From folder ..........FROMFLR resource
To file . ...........TOFILE temppf
Library ........... qtemp
From document . . . . . . . . . FROMDOC newfont.fnt
To member ...........TOMBR *FIRST
Replace or add records .....MBROPT *REPLACE
Translate table . . . . ....TRNTBL *none
Library ...........
Format of PC data . . . ....TRNFMT *notext
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 113. Copy From PC Document (CPYFRMPCD) panel
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