
You enter values that APU uses to select the input spooled file. Following is a
description of the values you can enter:
Spooled file name
This can be a specific name, a generic name, or *ALL.
Output queue/Library
This can be a specific output queue, a generic name, or *ALL.
User This can be a specific user, a generic set, or *ALL.
User Data
This can be a specific entry in the user data field, generic data, or *ALL.
Form Type
This can be a specific form, a generic form, or *ALL.
Program name/Library
This can be a specific program, a generic program, or *ALL.
When you run the APU Monitor, it looks for a file or files with the attributes that
are provided on this panel. Note that all the attributes that are specified here are
ANDed, so the effect of a set of attributes is to narrow a search.
If APU finds a match between the attributes you enter here and an input spooled
file, it processes the next file it finds in one of the monitored queues, and the
actions defined in the panels described in “Defining Action for Input Spooled File”
and “Defining Action for Output Spooled File” on page 92 are performed.
If APU does not find a match between the selection criteria on the panel and the
next spooled file, no action is taken.
Defining Action for Input Spooled File
With the Define Action for Output Spooled File, the detailed production
processing of the input spooled file is configured. You can define up to 16
processing phases (called action groups). Within each of these action groups, the
following processing can occur:
v Call the “before” user program
v Copy the input spooled file to a working database file
v Call the “middle” user program
Define Selection for Input Spooled File
Sequence . .....: 10
Text . . ......: QSYSPRT spool in OUTQ1
Type choices, press Enter.
File . . ....... QPJOB* Name, Generic*, *ALL
Output queue . . . . . OUTQ1 Name, Generic*, *ALL
Library ....... *LIBL Name, *LIBL
User . . ....... *ALL User, Generic*, *ALL
User Data . ...... *ALL User Data, Generic*, *ALL
Form Type . ...... *ALL Form Type, Generic*, *ALL
Program . . ...... *ALL Name, Generic*, *ALL
Library ....... Name, *LIBL
Figure 103. Define Selection for Input Spooled File panel
Chapter 6. Automatic Printing with APU Monitor 91