Defining Overlays
Select the Define overlays option to name and position the overlay that you want
to use to replace the preprinted form. The Define Overlay Positionings panel is
shown in Figure 44:
Select option 1 to name a new overlay, then press Enter. Type the name of the
overlay, INVALL, and where you want its top left corner to be positioned relative
to the top left corner of the paper. Note the size of your overlay. If an overlay is
too big, PSF for iSeries issues an error message when the job is printed, as shown
in Figure 45 on page 45.
Define Page Segments
Print Definition . . : SUNSD1 Page Format.....: *DEFAULT
Library . . . . . . : QAPU Copy . . . .....: *ORIGINAL
Type options, press Enter.
1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete
Position Position Unit of Page
Opt across down measure segment
: Create a Page Segment Positioning :
: Type choices, press Enter. :
: Position across . . . . 3.6 *INCH Value :
: Position down . . . . . 9 *INCH Value :
: Page segment . . . . . STRWNB Name F4 for list :
: F4=Prompt F12=Cancel F22=Set Units :
F3=E :....................................................................:
Figure 43. Create Page Segment Positioning panel
Define Overlay Positionings
Print Definition . . SUNSD1 Page Format..... *DEFAULT
Library . ..... QAPU Copy . . . . . . . . *ORIGINAL
Type options, press Enter.
1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete
Position Position Unit of
Opt across down measure Overlay
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Figure 44. Define Overlay Positioning panel
44 APU User’s Guide