EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 88
a. Default, if you want the alarm columns to be distributed across the available
space on the paper.
b. Select Userdefined, if you want the columns to be distributed across the
available space on the paper according to a default layout grid which is
displayed below. Clicking the Load from Alarm Detail View Columns button
loads the current detailed view column configuration of the top level entry in
the site tree and replaces the default grid below. To change the loaded
column configuration, select the top level entry in the site tree, click Alarms
tab on the right, and then select ´Detailed` from the View drop-down listbox.
Click Configuration button and define settings in the Alarm List
Configuration dialog box. You can resize the columns using the mouse.
13. Click the OK button.
14. Continue with creating the trigger conditions as described in the “Create Trigger”
Arena Destination Type
This destination type allows alarm forwarding via an ARENA.
15. If ARENA has been selected as destination, do the following on the General
General Tab