EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 100
TTime Programs
Overview Time programs are for setting time sequences for controller operation. For example,
setting HVAC start and stop times.
Time programs implement these command schedules. A PANTHER / TIGER
controller can have a maximum of 20 time programs.
Each time program specifies a list of points to command and a weekly schedule.
This weekly schedule defines the normal daily activity of the system by specifying
which daily schedule a controller should use for each day of the week (Sunday
through Saturday). The weekly schedule applies for each week of the year. There is
only one weekly schedule per time program.
Daily schedules list points and point actions and times for the controller to
implement. Operators assign daily schedules to weekly schedules or as global
override to provide for automatic operations on scheduled dates.
Yearly schedules define time periods with special daily schedules (global). Yearly
schedules are suited to consider specific local conditions, for example, regional
vacation and public /religious festivals.
Heating Circuit 1
Point Assignments
HG1 tsp
DHW1 tsp
DHW1 occ
Weekly Schedule Daily Schedule Name
Monday Workday
Tuesday Workday
Wednesday Workday
Thursday Workday
Friday Workday
Saturday Weekend
Sunday Weekend
Where the Workday daily schedule includes the following items (time,
datapoint name, command):
06:00 HG1 tsp 20 °C
18:00 HG1 tsp 15 °C
And the Weekend daily schedule includes the following items (time, user
address, command):
12:01 HG1 tsp 20 °C
23:59 HG1 tsp 15 °C
Global Time Programs Global time programs are individual daily time schedules which allow the
simultaneous override of multiple time schedules (room controls) in a definable
monthly-based time range. A time schedule to be overridden can be any of the
following default schedules of the standard weekly time schedule:
• Workday
• Weekend
• Day A
• Day B
• Day C
• Global
• User-defined daily schedule
Setting Global Time Programs The global time program consists of ´Global` daily schedules which can be set in the
same way than any other daily schedule (workday, weekend). An individual global
daily schedule can be set for any time program type, for example, room control 1..10
or Heating Circ. 1. etc. Each global daily schedule is simply named "Global".