EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 116
The assigned daily schedule is shown in the Assigned schedule column. In
the Source column, the overriding daily schedule is indicated by the entry
´Yearly schedules`.
4. Repeat step 3 for the desired weekdays of the displayed time range.
5. Click Save button on top of the Schedules tree.
Global Time Programs
Global time programs are individual daily time schedules which allow the
simultaneous override of multiple time schedules (room controls) in a definable
monthly-based time range. A time schedule to be overridden can be any of the
following default schedules of the standard weekly time schedule:
• Workday
• Weekend
• Day A
• Day B
• Day C
• Global
• User-defined daily schedule
Prerequisites The controller to which you want apply a global time program, must include the daily
schedule type ´Global` with corresponding switchpoints in its time program.
Apply Global Time Program The global time program consists of ´Global` daily schedules which can be set in the
same way than any other daily schedule (workday, weekend). Applying the global
time program means selecting a global daily schedule to be used for overriding the
standard weekly time schedule or another existing global daily schedule on a
particular date. Note that each time program uses its own global daily schedule for
overriding the existing schedule on particular date.
1. In the tree, click on the site.
2. On the right pane, click Global Time Programs tab.
The Global Time Programs pane for the site displays showing a three-month
period of a calendar. In a list, all CentraLine controllers (Device column) with
their assigned time programs (Time program column) are displayed. The
Segment column shows in which segment the time program is located.