EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 142
Arena Editor
The graphic user interface is independent of the site tree in ARENA although it can
consist of multiple hierarchical levels. There are built-in intelligent drawing elements
which allow you to create interactive system graphics in which you can display and
change values. System graphics typically show the application, including boilers,
heat pumps, water pipes, etc. and attached intelligent display fields which will show
the actual datapoint or setting values in ARENA. System graphics can be enhanced
with “animated” pictures created with the help of the ARENA Editor. Hierarchical
levels can be linked using linking hotspots. “Real” images can be imported for
getting a more picturesque style.
ARENA Editor is not necessary for the function of ARENA, but makes the operation
of complex systems easier and more comfortable.
ARENA Editor will take care of ARENA graphics for navigation and display. The
work done with ARENA Editor will be imported into ARENA in order to work in the
ARENA software.
Fig. 35. System Graphic with interactive value drawing elements and links to other levels