EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 138
Charting area
Select how the curve is displayed under:
Main chart (common y-axis)
The curve is shown in the main chart and uses the same y-axis as the other
Main chart (separate y-axis)
The curve is shown in the main chart and uses a separate y-axis than the
other curve(s)
Separate chart (stacked)
The curve is shown in a separate chart
Display Group
A display group is the tab on which the curve is displayed on the Trends tab.
The checkmark in the second column indicates where the curve is displayed.
You can create a new group by clicking the New button and delete a group by
clicking the Delete button after you have check the group in the first column
3. Click OK button to save display settings.
Define X-Axis Configuration
1. In Displayed Points, click X-Axis Configuration.
The X-Axis Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Set options as follows:
Select Automatic if ARENA should configure the X-Axis scale automatically.
Select Custom if you want to configure the X-Axis scale by your own.
a. In Range, enter a range and select the unit in the drop-down listbox.
If the range is smaller than the displayed time interval on the Trends tab, you
can scroll. For example, if the time interval is 1 month, you can display only a
range of 1 week.
b. In Major scale, enter a value for the major scale and select the unit in the
drop-down listbox. For example, 1 hour(s) defines that a major scale line is
drawn every 1 hour.