EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 140
Alias Name and NV Name Correspondents for SERVAL Controller
NOTE: It is forbidden to use the slash character ”/” in alias names because this
may result in an unexpected behavior of ARENA.
When trending a SERVAL controller, the following table is helpful for identifying the
network variable names of the corresponding alias names.
Alias Name Network Variable Name (Trend)
Room Temperature SpaceTempOut
Bypass input EffectOccMode
Digital input2
State WindowOut.state
Digital input 1 Sensor.contact_state_DI1
Setpoint wheel input Sensor.remote_set_point
Active Setpoint EffectSetPnt
Output Status
Heating output signal UnitStatus.heat_output_primary
Cooling output signal UnitStatus.cool_output
Fan speed UnitStatus.fan_output
Wall module
Min Limit Setpoint Pot WallMod.si_low_setpt
Max Limit Setpoint Pot WallMod.si_high_setpt
Bypass Time WallMod.ui_bypass_time
Control Settings
Cooling Fan Stage 3 Switching Level CntrlSettings.switch_level_cool
Heating Fan Stage 3 Switching Level CntrlSettings.switch_level_heat
Temperature SetPoint
Cooling Occupied Setpoint TempSetPts.occupied_cool
Heating Occupied Setpoint TempSetPts.occupied_heat
Cooling Standby Setpoint TempSetPts.standby_cool
Heating Standby Setpoint TempSetPts.standby_heat
Cooling Unoccupied Setpoint TempSetPts.unoccupied_cool
Heating Unoccupied Setpoint TempSetPts.unoccupied_heat
Energy Management
Cooling Recovery Ramp EnergyManag.optstart_cool_grad
Heating Recovery Ramp EnergyManag.optstart_heat_grad
Control Parameters
Cooling Proportional Band FcuGains.si_pid_cool_Xp
Heating Proportional Band FcuGains.si_pid_heat_Xp
Cooling Integral Time FcuGains.si_pid_cool_Tn
Heating Integral Time FcuGains.si_pid_heat_Tn