556 Index
removing instant snapshots 341
removing plexes 234
removing snapshots from a cache 347
removing subdisks from VxVM 221
removing volumes 290
renaming disks 119
reserving disks 119
VxFS file system resizing 285
vxiod I/O kernel threads 19
associating plexes with volumes 229
associating subdisks with new plexes 218
creating cache objects 322
creating plexes 223, 271
creating striped plexes 224
creating subdisks 215
creating volumes 258
using description file with 259
putting plexes online 270
re-enabling plexes 231
taking plexes offline 230, 270
configuring VxVM default behavior 272
mirroring volumes 272
monitoring configuration changes 213
adding RAID-5 logs 283
attaching plexes to volumes 229, 271
converting plexes to snapshots 351
copying plexes 233
detaching plexes temporarily 231
dissociating and removing plexes 233
dissociating plexes from volumes 234
moving plexes 232
reattaching plexes 231
removing mirrors 273
removing plexes 273
removing RAID-5 logs 284
checking if FastResync is enabled 293
determining if DRL is enabled 278
displaying DCO information 276, 357
displaying plex information 224
displaying snapshots configured on a
cache 347
displaying subdisk information 216
displaying volume information 264
enclosure-based disk names 94
identifying RAID-5 log plexes 284
listing spare disks 386
used with enclosure-based disk names 94
verifying if volumes are prepared for instant
snapshots 321
viewing base minor number 188
preventing recovery 271
recovering plexes 383
restarting moved volumes 204, 205, 207
restarting volumes 271
resuming online relayout 299
reversing direction of online relayout 300
viewing status of online relayout 299
hot-relocation daemon 380
modifying behavior of 395
notifying users other than root 395
operation of 381
preventing from running 395
reducing performance impact of recovery 395
used to create LVM root disks 106
growing volumes and file systems 285
limitations 285
shrinking volumes and file systems 285
used to create VxVM root disk mirrors 105
adding log subdisks 220
adding subdisks to RAID-5 plexes 219
adding subdisks to striped plexes 219
associating subdisks with existing plexes 219
dissociating subdisks 221
filling in sparse plexes 219
joining subdisks 218
moving subdisk contents 217
removing subdisks from VxVM 221
splitting subdisks 217
Storage Expert 445
rule to check for hardware failures 454
rule to check for full disk group configuration
database 451