542 Index
plex attribute 234
renaming disks 119
subdisk 29
subdisk attribute 221
VM disk 29
volume 31
naming scheme
changing for disks 91
changing for TPD enclosures 94
for disk devices 78
native multipathing 77, 130
ncachemirror attribute 325
ndcomirror attribute 251, 252, 357
ndcomirs attribute 275, 321
NEEDSYNC volume state 266
newvol attribute 330
nmirror attribute 329, 330
NODAREC plex condition 228
DMP 126
in clusters 399
maximum number in a cluster 397
node abort in clusters 417
requesting status of 420
shutdown in clusters 416
use of vxclustadm to control cluster
functionality 411
NODEVICE plex condition 228
nodg 167
nomanual path attribute 146
non-autotrespass mode 126
non-layered volume conversion 300
Non-Persistent FastResync 67
nopreferred path attribute 146
nopriv disk type 80
nopriv disks
issues with enclosures 94
physical 20
virtual 26
off-host processing 369, 397
OFFLINE plex state 226
online backups
implementing 371
online invalid status 120
online relayout
changing number of columns 298
changing region size 299
changing speed of 299
changing stripe unit size 298
combining with conversion 300
controlling progress of 299
defined 54
destination layouts 294
failure recovery 58
how it works 54
limitations 57
monitoring tasks for 299
pausing 299
performing 294
resuming 299
reversing direction of 300
specifying non-default 298
specifying plexes 298
specifying task tags for 298
temporary area 54
transformation characteristics 58
transformations and volume length 58
types of transformation 295
viewing status of 299
online status 120
ordered allocation 245, 251, 257
OTHER_DISKS category 83
overlapped seeks 514
parity in RAID-5 46
partial device discovery 82
partition size
displaying the value of 147
specifying 148
path aging 476
path failover in DMP 128
creating 134
disabling for DMP 153
enabling for DMP 154
setting attributes of 146
analyzing data 469
benefits of using VxVM 463
changing values of tunables 474
combining mirroring and striping 465
effect of read policies 466
examining ratio of reads to writes 471